Special Olympics 2017
Please fill out this form to sign up for the Special Olympics this May!

The event will be on Saturday, May 13th at the Hanover High Track and Field as well as the Dartmouth swimming pool. Volunteers will be expected to be there from 9:00am to about 1:30pm, but the event may end slightly earlier. If you would like to volunteer but have any constraints, please let us know.

There are a variety of different volunteer positions available, including timing the races, cheering, presenting awards, and preparing meals.  Please indicate your interest by filling out the form below. We will try our best to match you with your preferences, but please try to be flexible! We will blitz out your volunteer assignments shortly.
Google にログインすると作業内容を保存できます。詳細
Name *
Email *
Affiliation [Dartmouth student, community member, etc.] *
Group or individual volunteer? [Name group if applicable] *
Do you prefer to work at the track or the pool? [leave blank if no preference]
Do you have any interest in volunteering with awards, meals, or Opening Ceremony? [leave blank if not applicable]
Do you have any experience working at the track or pool event? If not applicable, just put "N/A"
Any additional information (constraints, other preferences, etc.)
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